
Download namu amida butsu rendai utena for free
Download namu amida butsu rendai utena for free

download namu amida butsu rendai utena for free

It's full of funny moments with the story all boiling down the brotherhood, friendship, teamwork & some teachings in the Dharma as the series unfolded. As a Buddhist I found this take on our much loved & respected characters an exceptionally good one specially humanising them in a positive way making it much easier to relate to. He summons Taishakuten (Shukra) & Boten (Brahma) from heaven to help defeat earthly vices created by Mara who's aim is to stop Shaka from attaining enlightenment. Lord Shaka (Lord Siddhartha) is a taiyaki loving Buddha who is head of the household and the worst cook lol. The story revolves around the 13 Buddha's living in the digital age with us under a disguise.

download namu amida butsu rendai utena for free

The story as well written with an easy plot that make it's enjoyable and easy to understand specially the different deities and their powers/quirks. This is a great anime with lots of action & comedic scenes between characters.

Download namu amida butsu rendai utena for free